04-Apr-2013 : Motorbike Parking

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Pay-and-display sign

Pay-and-Display Parking

Have you ever been in the position where you had to park your bike in a pay-and-display car park or on the roadside when a pay-and-display ticket is required? Did you have any real confidence that your ticket would still be there when the parking attendant came round and checked you’d paid? I used to write my registration number on the ticket but that’s not going to stop a prankster removing it – after all, not many bikes are built with a facility to secure a piece of paper from being stolen.

So I wrote to my two local councils, and a few other ones for good measure, asking them how bikers are supposed to cope with the pay-and-display system:-

Please can you advise me what the procedure is for using pay-and-display parking facilities if I ride a motorcycle? I can’t secure the ticket behind a windscreen as I could if I were driving a car. If I place the ticket on the vehicle and someone removes it, I can’t prove I’ve paid. If I don’t display it, I’ll get a ticket, even though I can later prove I did pay, however as far as I can ascertain that’s not grounds for appeal.

  Please can you advise me what the procedure is for using pay-and-display parking facilities if I ride a motorcycle? I can’t secure the ticket behind a windscreen as I could if I were driving a car. If I place the ticket on the vehicle and someone removes it, I can’t prove I’ve paid. If I don’t display it, I’ll get a ticket, even though I can later prove I did pay, however as far as I can ascertain that’s not grounds for appeal.   



Here are their replies:-

Gloucester: Free motorcycle car parking is available at: Longsmith Street, opposite the multi storey car park; Hare Lane outside Sainsbury’s; St Michaels Square Car Park in designated area. Parking charges apply in all other City Council Car Parks and On-Street Pay and Display Bays. Motorcycles are not permitted to enter or park in the Pedestrian Zone. If you do use the car parks and have to pay, I would suggest you use the cashless parking facility, this way you do not need to display a ticket, you can pay by debit/credit card (information leaflet attached).

Cheltenham: When parking within any of the council car parks or in on street pay and display areas… motorcyclists are advised to purchase a pay and display ticket but to retain it as proof of purchase.

Worcester: If you park in a marked Motorcycle bay you do not need to pay. If there is no motorcycle bay, get a ticket and take it with you. If you then get a parking fine, you can appeal the ticket on the grounds that you have paid to park.

Swindon: The Council provides motorcycle bays in most car parks where you may park free of charge. If you choose to park in a car space you must purchase a Pay & Display ticket. We suggest that you retain this on your person in case you receive a Penalty Charge Notice. We do not recommend leaving it on your motorcycle.

Bristol: couldn’t be bothered to reply.

Oxford: couldn’t be bothered to reply.