This section exists because I’ve just started using PHP to add some extra functionality to my Web site.  I’ll post some code modules below as I finish writing and debugging them, and you’re more than welcome to copy them and use them as you see fit.  Please let me know via this contact form or by emailing me if you find anything useful or you just want to critique my code!

  • 12-Sep-2020 : Web page logging
    This is the oldest bit of PHP in my possession, based on something I found on the Web about ten years ago but tweaked by me over the years to suit my purposes.  It logs all accesses to a Web page …
  • 11-Sep-2020 : Online PHP editor
    As a fairly inexperienced PHP programmer, I tend to make quite a few mistakes.  Not huge, catastrophic mistakes, just tiny little ones, ones which produce the wrong results or even stop the code running but which won’t bring a Web site down.  Usually.  But just now and again I do something which breaks one of ...